EVOLVER Magazine
Now in its nineteenth year, and with around 50,000 people seeing every issue, EVOLVER is now firmly established as the first choice advertising medium for venues, galleries, arts organisations, artists and performers throughout the Wessex region.
Unlike all other local media, every issue of EVOLVER has a 'coffee-table life' of two months, with our listings pages repeatedly referred to by a readership that actively seeks out - or subscribes to - the magazine.
EVOLVER Sponsorship
Organisations and individuals with a long-term plan to establish and maintain a region-wide high profile should consider becoming an EVOLVER sponsor.
EVOLVER sponsors are committed to advertising in every bi-monthly issue for one year, and get:
- Full colour advert in every issue
- Logo on the back cover
- Priority coverage and features in the magazine
- Priority coverage, features and links on the website
EVOLVER sponsorship is offered at the following advert sizes and rates:
- Fifth Page: £150 per issue
- Quarter Page: £175 per issue
- Half Page: £350 per issue
Prices include design, typesetting and layout (if required).
Please note: We can be flexible if you would like to miss one issue and have two adverts (or one twice the size) in another.